

For Kemal, who has dedicated his life to Kurdish theater and the political conditions surrounding the Kurdish language, the situation today is worse than it was 25 years ago. This leads him to call together his actor friends, scattered all over the world, to revive their old play “Rojbash.” As they intertwine their daily lives with rehearsals and the play’s script, their exhausting days begin to merge with the play, their dreams, and their reality.



Ji bo Kemalê ku jiyana xwe daye şanoya kurdî, îro şert û mercên siyasî yên zimanê kurdî ji 25 sal berê xerabtir in. Di bersivê de, ew biryar dide ku bang hevalên xwe yên lîstikvan ên li çaraliyê cîhanê belavbûyî bike, da ku lîstika xwe ya kevin ‘’Rojbaş’’ ji nû ve vejîne. Jiyana rojane bi prova û rêzikên ji şanoyê re tevdigere, rojên wan ên bi qelebalix dest pê dikin.


Özkan Küçük was born in Dersim (Tunceli). He completed his Master’s degree at Marmara University in the Department of Radio, TV, and Cinema, with a thesis on “Turkish Cinema in the 1990s.” Between 1997 and 2009, he worked with the Mesopotamia Cinema Collective and published articles in various newspapers and magazines. He is one of the founders of the Cegerxwin Art Conservatory, Cinema Academy, where he lectured on various aspects of film studies. He also initiated the Filmamed Documentary Film Festival and the Kısa Dalga (Short Wave) Film Days.
ÖZKAN KÜÇÜK, Li Dêrsimê (Tuncelî) hatiye dinyayê. Li Zanîngeha Marmarayê Beşa Radyo-TV-Sînemayê bi teza xwe ya bi navê “Sînemaya Tirkiyeyê ya salên 90’an” mastera xwe qedand. Di navbera salên 1997-2009an de di Kolektîfa Sînemaya Mezopotamyayê de kar kiriye û di gelek rojname û kovaran de gotar weşandine. Ew yek ji damezrînerên Konservatuara Hunerê ya Cegerxwîn, Akademiya Sînemayê ye û li wir jî di warê Fîlmnasiyê de li ser beşên cuda ders daye. Her wiha afirînerê Festîvala Fîlmên Belgefîlman Filmamed û rojên fîlmên Kısa Dalga (Pêla Kurte) ye.






Originaltitel: Özkan Küçük
Filmtyp:Fiction Film, Drama
Länge: 90mins
Land: Turkey
Sprache: Turkish, Kurdish with German subtitles
Regie: Özkan Küçük