Roza, a single mother, struggles in the monotonous and mechanical world of the technical sector to find a job. After facing numerous frustrating interviews, she finally secures a position. However, when the pandemic strikes, she is forced into remote work and faces immense challenges: balancing her job, household duties, and caring for her son Rodi becomes overwhelming.
Despite news reports assuring that no one would lose their job, Roza unexpectedly receives a termination notice. In this uncertain time, she must navigate the struggle to support her family and redefine her identity as a mother and woman.
Despite news reports assuring that no one would lose their job, Roza unexpectedly receives a termination notice. In this uncertain time, she must navigate the struggle to support her family and redefine her identity as a mother and woman.
Roza, dayîka bi tenê, di dinyayê monoton û mekanîkî ya herêmê teknîk de bi xerîbî dike û heta xebatekî pêk dibe. Piştî rextên pîvajo kirinên pir bi nexweşî, ew domdar dema vîrusa pandemîyê derbas dibe û berdewamîya xebata xerîbî dike. Roza, bi çarenûsanên pandemî, mijarên dijwar li ser xebata xwe di vê dawrê têne dîtin, di dema xebata xwendekarî de bi binereya kêmbûna karan çalak dike û bûyerên ji salên herî tû ya pandemîyê riya jiyana xwe dipirse.
Berivan Upcin was born in Dersim and studied Computer Science and Engineering at the Hamburg University of Technology. She worked as an engineer for many years while continuing to pursue film projects. She is the program curator of the Kurdish Film Festival in Hamburg and has co-founded a film collective in the city. Berivan is particularly interested in migrants and refugees living in Europe, as well as women in male-dominated professions. Her filmmaking focuses on these themes.
Berîvan Upçîn ji Dersimê hatiye dinyayê û di Zanîngeha Tehnolojîyê ya Hamburgê de derevaneya zanyarî û endustiriyê xwendiye. Ew salekên gelek de wekî endustîrya xebat kir û bi derbazî filmê birîya. Ew jî êrîşkarê programê ya Festivalê Filmê ya Kurdî ya Hamburgê ye û jî tevî gerên xwe li ser jiyan û hikûmeta penaberan û jinên wekî profesyonê li herêmên kurdî ya navbera jin û mêr çalakîya fîlmçêkirinê pêk tîne. Berîvan hekehin cîhanên dema nû ya bi temaşekirinên filmên niha pêş dibe.
Originaltitel: Wir schaffen das – Aber wie?
Filmtyp: Short Film
Länge: 10min
Land: Germany
Sprache: German,Türkish
Regie:Berivan Upcin