After four years in prison, Dicle is released and moves in with her friend Meral and Meral’s daughter Ece in Istanbul. Under constant surveillance, she must report weekly to the police and is barred from leaving Turkey. Meanwhile, her family lives in exile in Paris—her mother Leyla, brother Firat, and uncle Kazim. Her father Hasan disappeared in 1997 while working as a seasonal laborer after their displacement from Urfa due to a dam project.
The family becomes part of a documentary about the effects of dam construction in southeastern Turkey on the environment and the Kurdish population. The documentary gives them hope of uncovering the truth about Hasan’s disappearance. As tensions rise, Leyla falls ill, prompting Dicle to flee to Paris to see her one last time, while Firat and Kazim pursue a secret plan that reveals what happened to Hasan.
The family becomes part of a documentary about the effects of dam construction in southeastern Turkey on the environment and the Kurdish population. The documentary gives them hope of uncovering the truth about Hasan’s disappearance. As tensions rise, Leyla falls ill, prompting Dicle to flee to Paris to see her one last time, while Firat and Kazim pursue a secret plan that reveals what happened to Hasan.
Dîcle piştî 4 salên di girtîgehê de tê berdan, bi hevala xwe Meral û keça Meral Ece re li Stenbolê bi cih dibe. Hertim di bin çavdêriyê de ye, divê her heftê li cem polîsan îmze bide û derketina wê ya ji Tirkiyeyê hatiye qedexekirin. Di vê navberê de malbata wê li Parîsê li sirgûniye dimîne – diya wê Leyla, birayê wê Firat û mamê wê Kazim. Bavê wê Hasan di sala 1997’an de dema ku wekî rençberê demsalî dixebite tê wenda kirin. Berîya wê, wan ji ber projeya bendavê ji Rihayê koç kirine. Malbat dibe beşek ji belgefîlmeke di warê çêkirina bendavên li başûrê rojhilatê Tirkiyê de û li ser bandorên wan ên li ser jîngeh û gelê Kurd. Belgefîlm hêviya eşkerekirina rastiya windabûna Hesen dide wan. Dema ku tansiyon zêde dibe, Leyla nexweş dibe û Dîcle neçar dimîne ku bireve Parîs’ê da ku cara dawî wan bibîne, lê Firat û Kazim planeke veşartî dimeşînin, ku dê eşkere bike, ka çi bi serê Hasan de hatiye.

Cemile Sahin (*1990, Wiesbaden) studied Fine Arts at Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design in London and at the Berlin University of the Arts. She published the novels TAXI (2019, Korbinian Verlag) and ALL DOGS DIE (2020, Aufbau Verlag). Sahin was a fellow of the Junge Akademie der Künste in Berlin (2019), received the ars viva Prize for Fine Arts (2020), and was awarded the Alfred Döblin Medal (2020).
Her work often incorporates audiovisual media, with a strong focus on political video art and narrative storytelling. Her short film Four Ballads for My Father – Bihar has been screened internationally, including at Loop Barcelona, Berlinische Galerie, Volksbühne Berlin, Kunsthalle Osnabrück, and KIN in Brussels. It was also nominated for the German Short Film Award by Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg.
Cemîle Şahîn (* 1990, Wiesbaden) di Koleja Huner û Dîzaynê ya Central Saint Martins a Londonê û Zanîngeha Hunerê ya Berlînê de beşa Hunerên Bedew xwendiye. Romanên wê TAXI (2019, Korbinian Verlag) û ALL DOGS DIE (2020, Aufbau Verlag) hatin weşandin. Şahîn ji Junge Akademie der Künste ya li Berlînê bûrs stend (2019), Xelata Hunerên Bedew a ars viva wergirt (2020) û bi madalyaya Alfred Döblin (2020) hat xelat kirin.
Karê wê bi gelemperî medyaya dîtbarî-bihistbarî vedihewîne, û bi giranî bala xwe dide ser hunera vîdyoya siyasî û vegotina çîrokî. Kurtefîlma wê ya Four Ballads for My Father – di qada navnetewî de hat pêşandan, wekî mînak li cem Bihar, Loop Barcelona, Berlinische Galerie, Volksbühne Berlin, Kunsthalle Osnabrück û KIN a li Brukselê. Her wiha ji aliyê Medienboard Berlîn-Brandenburg’ê ve ji bo Xelata Kurtefîlma Almanî jî hat berbijêrkirin.